The 60781 is the perfect extension wand/tube for elevated cleaning permitting easy and reliable adjustment to the surface being cleaned. 1.1m (45″) fully compressed the 60781 extends at 1 inch intervals to a fully extended length of 1.5m (60”). The female cone one end and male cone on the working end permits the 60781 to fit to the 60782 ‘J’ wand or to be stacked with additional 60781 to extend reach to heights of 4.57m (15 feet). Beyond 15 feet we recommend using our locking version to protect the user from unintended separation. Add a steel collar to the female end and the 60781 is ideal for use with the popular Sidewinder tools allowing the wands length to adjust to fit the height of the cleaning associate. Use the 60781 to add versatility to your back pack vacuum, wet-dry vacuum, or industrial vacuum by extending the above the floor reach of the system.